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Surprise Fishing with Nana at Fort Monroe Fishing Pier – Hampton, Virginia

It was a warm, breezy and cloudy day when we surprised Nana as she was fishing at the Fort Monroe Fishing Pier in Hampton, Virginia.

My mom jokes about her cellphone and how, “You kids can hunt me down wherever I go.” This day was no different.

I’d called my mama at home and was told she was fishing. We were planning to go to Fort Monroe to a playground anyways (since moving to Newport News we don’t visit the National Monument as much), but when Colby heard his Nana was fishing, we got side tracked.

Colby LOVES to fish.

Fishing is something I did a lot of as a child. Growing up inland Georgia, we had floating fish houses. My sister and I would fish for a while, but eventually we’d tucker out and climb in to our sleeping bags while my mom would fish.

She’d wind up getting several different fresh water fish but I remember catfish the most. We’d get home from a fishing trip and she’d fry us up a good ole country fish fry.

Catfish, hush puppies, French fries and Cole slaw.

Salt water fishing in Virginia is quite a bit different, and admittedly I hadn’t fished for almost twenty years! The rigs are different, the poles are different and the fish are different.

Colbys love of fishing has reminds me of how much I’ve missed gazing out on the water and getting a catch. Even more so, It means the world to me that my mom is spending time with Colby and Caroline doing something that we used to do together.

This day at Fort Monroe Fishing Pier was a lively one with the blue crabs. You’d lower the basket down and not even a minute or two later crabs filled the crab pot.


Though I didn’t have my camera this day, I was glad I could photograph these moments on my iPhone 5s!

Love the idea of me documenting your family doing something together outdoors? CLICK HERE TO BOOK A CALL so we can start planning! Or email me :[email protected]

Hampton Roads Family Photographer

Dreama Spence & Co. – Helping moms be seen and heard in photographs

Hampton Roads photographer, Newport News documentary family photographer, Virginia family photographer, Newport News photographer, Hampton photographer, Poquoson photographer, Yorktown photographer, Williamsburg photographer, Hampton Roads front porch project

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