
What is an Heirloom Vignette Portrait?

The WHP (Williamsburg Heirloom Portrait) is a modern interpretation of traditional vignetted children’s portraiture, a specialized form of portrait photography that dates back to the early days of photography. You may have seen a similar heirloom vignette portrait hanging up in your home of a relative. 

Growing up in Georgia, Children’s Vignette portraits, early portraits of family members and silhouette portraits were common hanging throughout homes.

Typically children wear white or cream clothing that has been passed down from one generation to another OR a piece bought/made specifically for them. If you have a special piece like this, consider having your child wear it for their heirloom portrait. If you don’t have a generational piece, don’t worry there are lots of options for purchasing a modern heirloom outfit!

I wrote a blog post you might find helpful if you’d like to shop for heirloom clothing.

What I really love about this type of photography is how the details of the clothing fade away and your child’s small features become the focus of the image.

Heirloom portraits are so timeless they never go out of style.

They are meant to be put in a large frame, hung on the walls and enjoyed for a lifetime.

I am dedicated to timeless imagery, and is so proud to offer these stunning heirloom vignette portraits. These portraits are true works of art and capture the innocence of childhood, creating beautiful, heirloom portraits of your little one. There is no doubt – these images will be treasured for generations to come.

If you’re interested in having a portrait commissioned of your child, please feel free to inquire today!

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sample of free guide.
free guide to Heirloom outfit recommendations

grab the free guide FOR GIRLS & BOYS


As a busy mama myself, I love when someone can take something off my plate!
In this guide, you’ll find some of my favorite children’s heirloom outfits in-store now. You’ll find clickable links for ease of shopping (you can thank me later)!
 All of the featured dresses and outfits would be beautiful for an heirloom portrait session. 
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