
Fun ideas for your Newport News family photo session

One of the most common questions I get from clients is usually centered around what to do for an in-home family session. I’ve complied a list of fun ideas for your Newport News family photo session!

Dreama, what do we do while you’re taking our pictures?”
“We don’t do much.”
“My kids play video games a lot.”
“We’re just not that interesting.”

While I love a family that can just go with the flow, I do know that planning an activity or two can be a helpful place to start. My hope is that the list below will help spark some of your own ideas for activities you can do during your family session. The key is to choose something that your normally does (and enjoys).

When you have figured out what you would like your family photo session to look like, contact me. I bet we can fit a couple of your ideas into a fun, stress free session.


Make a Meal

Cooking together is a popular choice for families. Wether it’s stirring up a secret family recipe or Saturday morning pancakes. Food is a love language and there are so many wonderful moments shared when we sit around the table.

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Play Outside

As parents, sooo many hours are spent outdoors, especially in the warmer months. Jump on the trampoline, play in the sprinkler or slip-n-slide, blow bubbles, draw with chalk, push your kiddo on the swing for the millionth time or make mud-pies.

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Games, Fun & Make-Believe

Board games, video games, legos, living room forts, dance parties, arts & crafts, and anything in between… Whatever fun and silly things your family loves to do! Some of these things are very unique to an individual family because it’s their special moment captured!

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Local Hangout

If you’re family has a favorite place to go, like Browders Fresh Pickins for strawberry picking, grabbing ice cream, walk & play on The Noland Trail, or an awesome area like Colonial Williamsburg where you like to grab a bite to eat, learn about local history and explore beautiful gardens, etc. Wherever your family is happiest, let’s explore!

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There are so many more ideas we can come up with to plan your session and so many more photos I can share. Any of these sound like fun ideas you’d like to do during your session? Contact me and we can start planning! There are so many interesting places around Hampton Roads, VA to explore together!

Fun ideas for your Newport News family photo session

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